H.E.L.P Foundation
The Management team of National Shoe & Occupational Solutions Ltd. (NATCO) takes its corporate responsibility to the people of Trinidad and Tobago very seriously. To demonstrate its commitment to that responsibility, NATCO registered a fully owned Not-For-Profit organization called Helping Elderly & Less Privileged Foundation (H.E.L.P. Foundation) on 7th December 2016.
The primary objective of our N.P.O. is to help the less fortunate persons in selected communities on behalf of the parent company NATCO. Our target groups are the (Homeless, Elderly, and Less Privileged) hence the acronym H.E.L.P. Financial support is primarily through the efforts of the parent company NATCO, with assistance from several selected suppliers.
Over the years, “The H.E.L.P. Foundation” has wholly or partially assisted in funding donations to children, needy individuals, in addition to local and international disaster relief efforts.
Additionally, prior to the Covid pandemic, support efforts were extended to governmental institutions that have responsibility for the support and rehabilitation of the country’s “At risk youths”. To this end, through its parent company NATCO, the foundation conducted several free HSE training programs to members of “

Over the years, H.E.L.P Foundation has partnered with various organizations, either funding in whole or in part, or providing donations to children, needy individuals, local and international disaster relief efforts.
NATCO H.E.L.P Foundation Toy Drive Committee

NATCO H.E.L.P Foundation Toy Drive 2020
Christmas 2020, the NATCO H.E.L.P Foundation having recognized the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the economic structure of many families, opted to distribute food hampers to needy families within several surrounding and rural communities.
A total of twenty (20) families throughout Trinidad and Tobago received food items and support for three (3) months.